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It’s normal for various little ailments to pop up in our mouth from time to time. The question is, which of these ailments should be a concern for us. It’s ok to occasionally ignore that ulcer but that constant dull ache in the back of your gums, what should you do about that?

Bleeding gums

Bleeding gums are caused by inflammation and irritation. This can happen due to poor dental hygiene or missing brushing cycles. The build-up of plaque on the teeth will cause swollen gums leading to blood when you brush. The best way to resolve this issue is to brush thoroughly twice a day, floss and use mouthwash. The cleaner your mouth, the healthier. The problem should subside almost straight away – if it doesn’t then it could be a more serious problem.


Do eating certain foods cause you to have a ‘brain freeze’ like feeling in your teeth? Tooth sensitivity can be anything from a mild sensation to an overwhelming pain. Sensitivity is caused by tiny holes in the tooth enamel which can start at any time and when it starts it needs to be treated. In most cases sensitive toothpaste and mouthwash will ease the problem (it really does work!). If sensitivity prevents you from eating certain foods or causes you constant pain then you need to seek dental advice.


We’ve all experienced a few ulcers in our lifetime and mostly, they’re nothing to worry about. Usually they are caused by biting or cutting the inside of our mouth. However, when an ulcer becomes yellow or lasts more than 3 weeks then you need to get it checked by a doctor. Most ulcers can be treated with thorough brushing or the periodic use of mouthwash. Again, the importance of maintaining good, regular oral hygiene is paramount in achieving an ailment-free mouth.

Tooth pain

If you have pain in either one or more of your teeth then you may need to get it checked out. It’s perfectly normal to have a few mouth twinges.

However, in other circumstances it could mean that you may need a filling or a root canal. Where a filling is usually a regular occurrence for some, a root canal is a little more severe. The aim of a filling is to close off spaces where bacteria can enter and help prevent further decay. A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected.

Your local dentist will be able to assist and advise you of what treatment you need although it comes down to you to maintain a good level of oral hygiene.

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  • 8:30 to 13:00 – 14:00 to 17:30