It cleans unreachable places inside the mouth
Normal brushing of teeth cleans only two surfaces of teeth. The sides of teeth and the space at the gum-base are difficult to reach. Flossing enables you to reach those unreachable surfaces and ensures a good cleanse.
It provides fresh breath
Several studies confirm that bad breath is a result of oral bacterial reaction on the remnant food particles or layer on the teeth. Flossing removes the remnant food particles and avoids settling of food bits in between teeth. Flossing keeps your mouth fresh.
It prevents cavity formation
Non-flossing results in food forming a layer of plaque on the teeth, leading to the formation of tartar. Tartar initiates cavity in the tooth. Cavity in your tooth results in initial sensitivity of tooth and gradually develops into a serious issue. If left unattended, the cavity can result in loss of tooth.
It prevents Gingivitis
The tooth is fixed to the gum at a point lower than the visible gum-base creating a gap called sulcus. This gap is prone to deposit of food particles and layers of sugar. This cozy pocket with food acts as the breeding ground for oral bacteria. These bacteria multiply in number and erode the teeth making them bleed. Gingivitis is the first step towards Periodontitis that results in loss of teeth
It saves money
The issue with dental problems is that the problem remains unnoticed during the early stages. However, by the time you recognize those issues, it’s already too late.
The treatment is painful, time-consuming and expensive. In many cases, the expense involved leaves you with an added burden of compromised oral health.A routine that takes only five to ten minutes of your time can save a lot of time, energy and money.
Mark your calendar for a visit to the dentist once every six months. This will help maintain good oral health. With the best dentist available in Cardiff, it is a convenient and wise decision. Contact Church Road Dental Practice to make an appointment.